Sunday, June 13, 2010

Good Morning - April 2010

There's nothing like a big cup of hot chocolate on a cool morning! The mug is almost as big as Summer's head!
Time for a goofy picture:

The Bedtime Routine

The bedtime routine is NOT going too well with Summer right now. I think it's because I started back to work full time and so they take a solid 2 hour nap at her preschool. We put her in bed at least 10 times before she will finally stay in her bed. But one night we put her to bed once and thought she was asleep in her bed. Instead, this is where we found her: Awwww....she made her own little bed in the hallway.

Race at the Park

Brian wanted to run a 5 mile race so we joined him - to watch and to play at the park. Summer loves to drag around sticks and thought this one was very cool.
Ben is awesome at the monkey bars. He loves them and is so fast going across!

Summer loves her swing!! We were having so much fun we missed seeing Brian cross the finish line - whoops! That's what he gets for being so fast!!

Easter Morning

Easter Morning, they were so cute and excited to see what the Easter Bunny brought. Lots of candy, a remote control car for Ben and pretty pony stuff for Summer.
And....peeps! They saw them at Target and couldn't wait to eat some peeps. I don't think it was really worth the wait...they basically each ate one and were done with it. On to bigger and better things - like chocolate easter bunnies - yum!!

Easter Eve

On Easter Eve the kids put their newly dyed eggs into their baskets and set them out for the Easter Bunny. They were so excited that I couldn't get them to both look and smile into the camera at the same time....but they do look cute anyway. So I told them to give me a goofy smile and this is what I got:

Easter Eggs

We dyed our Easter Eggs the night before Easter. Ben was so excited and was telling Summer how to do it, etc. He used the metal dipper and was so cute. Look how clean and organized everything is after one egg.
And then look at Summer's egg dyeing technique:

She is my messy marvin. Yet, if she gets a drop of water on her clothes - she has to change. Trouble!

Easter from Aunt Carol!

The kids all love Aunt Carol! And they were so excited and surprised to get an Easter package from her - THANK YOU Aunt Carol. You're the best!

Easter Bunny

I took Ben to S.Coast Plaza to see the Easter Bunny. Summer is too freaked out by the Easter Bunny and so I didn't want to ruin Ben's experience. And I totally get it....I kind of think it would be freaky sitting next to a big bunny. Anyway, Ben was happy.

Dinner Helpers

The kids like to help me cook so I let them each stir something (with threats that if they touched the pan they would be rushed straight to the doctor). They were very careful and very happy. Check out Summer's outfit! She told me it matched.

Buzz Cut!

Brian's specialty is the buzz cut. I can't do it....Ben's hair always turns out so hectic when I try. Regardless, Ben is not thrilled! But always happy when it's over with:

Playing at the Park

We have several parks close by and we decide which to go based on whether or not we are going out to lunch. This park is on the way to our favorite Mexican restaurant: Summer LOVES to swing:

The both love going on this:

Here they are, running around and playing like crazy:

And look how nice they can be to each other (once they learn they get to go out to lunch):

Trouble with a capital T!

I left the kitchen for 2 minutes to talk w/Brian about dinner plans. We noticed it was pretty quiet around the house and then we heard some shaking noises in the kitchen. When I ran in to see what was going on, this is what I found: Summer got into all of my decorating sugars, etc. and was pretty much drinking/eating them from the bottle. Plus, she poured piles of the stuff all throughout the pantry. When we tried to wipe it off the counter - red dye smeared everywhere. It was a HUGE mess to clean up.

All I can say is:

Summer is an imph that moves like speed lightening!! WOW!

Tooth #2 - GONE!

Ben lost his 2nd tooth and was sooo excited to put it under the pillow. It's amazing how excited Ben gets over waking up to a $1 me, I'm enjoying it too (only a dollar!!).

Happy Heart Day!!

We always make heart shaped cookies on Valentines Day. That's our big thing and something I've been doing since Ben was born and something my mom did with us every year that I can remember! It's a fun activity for all of us. Here we are making the dough: Summer spilled water on her had to change into a new outfit for the frosting and eating stage of our project!
Licking the frosting out of the bowl is almost as good as eating the cookies!

The finished Project:

Valentines in the Mail!

Grandma and Pa Weber sent Summer & Ben Valentines in the mail - with $2 bills. VERY EXCITING!! Grandparents are the best! (Ben was very excited - he looks a little psycho to me....but I told him not to blink)

What do you want to be when you grow up???

Ben's kindergarten class talked about community service and about people who work in the community. And then the class was given a month to dress up their paper doll to what they wanted to be when they grew up. Ben has talked about being a policeman when he grows up since he was aboug 3 1/2. Not just any policeman....first, it was the policeman on the motorcycle. But then he realized that some police get to fly helicopters so that is his DREAM job.
This is his finished product. I'm not sure who was more proud of the finished project - Me or Ben! Boy, that was a lot of work for a non-crafty person like me!!

Forts and Naps - Feb 2010

We spent a big part of the morning building forts - the kids thought that was fun!! Summer always has to have several of her stuffies around with her:

And Brian joined in when we got to the "nap" part of the day :-)

My Artist II - Feb 2010

Another fun day with the dry erase/chalk board. I'm not sure who did more drawing - me or Ben!