Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cooling Off on a Warm Day in May.

We don't have A/C in our home. Luckily we live in the O.C. where you don't need an A/C most of the time. But there are those days where it can get pretty toasty. Add the humidity (okay, nothing like the south, but you guys all have A/C) and it can get uncomfortable. My way of cooling off is to sit in front of a fan with a big glass of ice water or diet coke.

Ben goes for a nice cool glass of chocolate milk (only after trying to bum some diet coke off me):
Summer, on the other hand, likes to strip down, sit in a dump truck and play with the hose.
I'll let all of you decide which method of cooling down you would prefer....

First Time at the Dentist!!!

Wow, am I a bad mom or what? We finally brought Ben to the dentist (basically because we needed a thumbs up from a dentist to register Ben for Kindergarten...how pathetic are we?). Apparently you're suppose to bring you child in by the time they turn one - who knew??

Anyway, Ben thought it was so fabulous and had a blast (crazy - he takes after Brian on that one). And thankfully, his teeth are in excellent conditions - whew (and a big sigh of relief).

P.S. After the lecture from the dentist on waiting so long...I felt it was the proper thing to do to bring Summer in, rather than waiting 2 or 3 more years. So in case anyone is wondering, Summer's teeth are fabulous too BUT, she HATED the dentist (she takes after me on that one).

Graduation & Mother's Day

I finally put forth the final effort with achieving my goal of obtaining my BA in Business. Finally! Once I stopped working (after Summer was born) I decided to go back to school. I was accepted to Vanguard University (a small liberal arts college in Costa Mesa) and spent 2 years taking the upper division Business courses needed to graduate. I am proud to say I graduated Summa Cum Laude and what a great feeling it was to walk across the stage at the graduation ceremony to accept my degree!!

My parents, Bonnie, Shannon, Katie and Emma all came out to visit for my graduation. The kids were so cute! Ben thought it was so much fun to wear my cap and gown!

Bonnie, Shannon and the girls stayed a few more days to celebrate Mother's Day. We all made cards together, answering questions about our mom.

We had a great time. And Brian was nice enough to watch the kids while we went out to lunch.

Costume Dancing

Ben & Summer go through phases where they love to put on different costumes and dance around to kids music and videos. It cracks me up and they have so much fun.

The end of T-Ball

I don't think Ben has a LOVE for T-Ball (like he does for his bike) - BUT - all of his friends were playing and so he had a good time. Here he is, cheering on his team. Ben's up to bat. They give hime a few pitches and if he misses they break out the T.

And off he goes:

He had fun and scampered around the bases and chased balls - so all and all a good time was had.

Uncle Jesse!

Jesse came out to visit and hang out...and to help his grandma move (that's the kind of guy he is). The kids were sooo excited to see there Uncle Jesse - they love him! It happened to be right around his birthday so we made him a big birthday cake. Yum! Thanks for coming out to visit, Uncle Jesse, I'm always looking for a good reason to bake a chocolate b-day cake!