Monday, March 31, 2008

Month of March - Soccer

We signed Ben up for Soccer. He loved it!
Time for the kick off!
Summer had just as fun at the soccer food scavenging for food. One of the more interesting items she discovered was a carton of half eaten yogurt. Yum!
Go Shamrocks!
Ben really likes soccer but he LOVES going through this tunnel at the end of the game!

March 8, 2008

This hotwheel track is fabulous! I'm not sure who likes it more, me or Ben. It gives me some "Ben Free" time and Ben thinks it's a everyone is happy! Thanks Mormor for a GREAT Christmas gift!

March 3, 2003

What could be better than pulling your buddy "Star" in a wagon?
Bike rides Ben anyway!
Exploring the neighbors yard.
Summer had so much fun in this sprinkler she went back for second's. In her opinion, it's a great way to cool off.

March 1, 2008

My little baker. "Mommy, let's make brownies or cookies today" is one of his favorite requests. I'm not sure which he likes better, the dough or the actual brownies and cookies.